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Add more info for user in show sessions
Closed, ResolvedPublicFEATURE REQUEST


it would be very useful to add this info (servicename and interface from where is connect user) in show sessions :

ifname | uplinkif | servicename | username | calling-sid | ip | rate-limit | type | comp | state | uptime
ppp0 | vlan321 | testservice1 | testuser | 1e:45:a7:fe:40:06 | | 102400/102400 | pppoe | | active | 00:03:09
ppp1 | vlan123 | testservice2 | testuser1 | 1e:45:a7:fe:40:06 | | 102400/102400 | pppoe | | active | 00:04:09
ppp2 | vlan321 | testservice1 | testuser3 | 1e:45:a7:fe:40:06 | | 102400/102400 | pppoe | | active | 00:06:09

and to easy search and show only user by this interface or servicename

show sessions match servicename (testservice1):

ifname | uplinkif | servicename | username | calling-sid | ip | rate-limit | type | comp | state | uptime
ppp0 | vlan321 | testservice1 | testuser | 1e:45:a7:fe:40:06 | | 102400/102400 | pppoe | | active | 00:03:09
ppp2 | vlan321 | testservice1 | testuser3 | 1e:45:a7:fe:40:06 | | 102400/102400 | pppoe | | active | 00:06:09

or by interface (vlan123):

ifname | uplinkif | servicename | username | calling-sid | ip | rate-limit | type | comp | state | uptime
ppp1 | vlan123 | testservice2 | testuser1 | 1e:45:a7:fe:40:06 | | 102400/102400 | pppoe | | active | 00:04:09



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You can include "uplinkif" to calling-sid or called-sid, it is already implemented. Please check man/doc related to this feature

yes check in man/doc but calling-sid or called-sid not get interface .

i will try to find in code and make patch for interface.
But for service name need your help


regarding to interface:


put it to [pppoe] section

Hi @svlobanov
Yes this list interface here :

ifname | uplinkif | username | calling-sid | ip | rate-limit | type | comp | state | uptime
ppp0 | ppp0 | testuser | eth1:1e:45:a7:fe:40:06 | | 102400/102400 | pppoe | | active | 00:15:05

i will try to get interface in uplinkif now in calling-sid i receive : eth1:1e:45:a7:fe:40:06
but is not ok.
same i for service name need to list in separate colomu.

why do you want to have "uplink interface" as a separate column? why calling-sid/called-sid with interface name is not enough?

calling-sid/called-sid send to radius as info for user
separate column need only for statistic local in cli when statistic or only to see user per interface

when need to check only user by interface or service name is more easy to write : show sessions match uplinkif vlan123
ahow sessions match servicename testservice

tgis will give you clear view wotch user is connect on this interface/servicename
this will help fir network debug

I use this one: show sessions match calling-sid vlan123

The only case I see if your RADIUS is not compatible with "custom" calling-sid/called-sid format and expect only mac-address in these fields. Is it true?

To be honest, I'm not sure that we need to add duplicate features to accel-ppp.

i will try to make patch for this.
many of use case send to radius clear mac for user and mac for machine and not need to send interface
this with interface and service will use only fkr cli interface to show local in system .

Thanks Sergey!

Hi @svlobanov
Here is upload patch to add uplink interface to show sessions:

But for Service name i need your help to extract from PADI or PADO

Any one for help to make this ?

micron claimed this task.
